After slaving away, I, Alexandra Nike Webbings, officially finished putting EVERYTHING on the site. I have the photo gallery up and running, the entire journals (that I have been given) put up as well, and... okay never mind. I STILL have to worry about the profiles. ^^ Ahhh... more work. Well, thanks for supporting the site! It really means a lot to us when you reply and give us input! We promise to always reply back to whatever you ask! Thank you, thank you, thank you!
This is so exciting! Our dreams are coming true, and writing... well... I just love it! Tell us what you think so far! Could you believe where I learned how to set this website up? History class today in high school! Doesn't it look so professional? I just feel like dancing or something I am so happy! Share your happiness with us as well! What good thing happened to you today?