This is so exciting! Our dreams are coming true, and writing... well... I just love it! Tell us what you think so far! Could you believe where I learned how to set this website up? History class today in high school! Doesn't it look so professional? I just feel like dancing or something I am so happy! Share your happiness with us as well! What good thing happened to you today?
Abigail Lawton
12/13/2012 03:05:45 pm

Hmmm... testing out how hard it is to comment... it isn't so hard, is it?

Abigail Lawton
12/13/2012 03:07:16 pm

Nope! I guess it isn't that hard at all! And you can leave that 'website' thing blank. I idea what that is for. So, please feel free to comment and stuff. We would really appreciate the input! Thanks!

12/14/2012 05:16:46 am

I didn't look at who the author was and just read through the first page.

I totally thought that it was some professional writer posting their book on a web page.I will buy this book if it is ever published. This has got to rank up with Harry Potter or Fablehaven!!

Christana Jones
12/15/2012 05:19:58 am

Thank you very much! ^^

Abigail Lawton
12/15/2012 05:36:09 am

You have no idea how happy you have made us at the moment! Wow! Our first actual comment from someone we don't know! And it is a compliment! Thank you thank you thank you!

Oh, and I love Fablehaven! Brandon Mull is the most amazing author EVER! I can't wait for the third book of his Beyonder series to come out!

Wow. This is the best day ever! Share the happiness! ^^

Sabrina Hill
12/15/2012 05:47:52 am

That means a lot, thank you! ^^

12/16/2012 09:01:04 am

Oh my gosh, I love Aria!!! She is so much fun and her personality is very much like mine. And I burst out into a giggle fit when I saw the reference to the song Music box by Regina Spektor! She's Most definitely my favorite! I so want to give a big hug to her author! :3

12/16/2012 10:11:08 am

I also have a strange story for you all.
I was in my church's Sunday school, and my teacher gave each of the students a little white rock to represent faith. When I got home, I took out some wire and string and I turned my little white water droplet shaped stone into a cool necklace. Now today I was reading Aria's journal (wonderful work by the way) and I noticed my pendent to my right. I put it on, ad then I read the part about the limiters.


I have a limiter and I didn't even know it! I am proud to say that I am a huge fan of all of your work and I can't wait to see what you all have in store!

Abigail Lawton
12/16/2012 02:16:58 pm

That is so cool Noah! ^U^ I can't wait to show the writer of Aria this comment! She's gonna die of happiness! XD You just made a whole lot of people's day!

Christana Jones
12/17/2012 06:04:00 am

you made her VERY happy!! >w< thanmk you so very much!!!! I'm so glad that you like her, and I hope to not disapoint in the future!! thank you for your feedback.

p.s. the fact that you were able to point out the song with my even needing to blatantly say it made you REALLY awsome in my book ;3

L. D. Blade
12/20/2012 01:29:13 am

This is basically one of the coolest things that has ever happened in the history of forever.

12/19/2012 12:46:50 pm

Just finished reading all of Alex's journal so far. I like how she writes in it in the early morning instead of the night. And a force field? AWESOME!

L. D. Blade
12/20/2012 01:27:51 am


Hugs for all people.



Thank you so much for reading and leaving such great comments! I hope you keep enjoying! I wonder how many random references of Aria's you guys are going to catch. She is such a fun character. Alex's journal is one of my favorites, too. It's so well written.

If you guys notice things that don't follow or seem weird, go ahead and speak up! Thanks again for reading. I'm Lehcar, Naleen's writer, and I am so excited about this site!

Sabrina Hill
12/20/2012 03:19:25 am

All this love makes all of us feel happy inside ^^


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